As the gold standard for 26×2 hot yoga teacher trainings around the world, we never thought that we would be afforded the opportunity to provide our unique training course online. As necessity being the mother of invention, rapid advancements in technology, and
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The Broadway musical Hadestown | Official Site, known for its complex storytelling and powerful musical performances, demands intense physical and mental preparation from its actors. To meet these challenges, yoga has become a key part of actor training. The combination of dance,
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Actors performing in Broadway musicals face a unique set of physical and mental challenges. The combination of acting, singing, and dancing requires stamina, flexibility, and focus, all of which can be improved through yoga. Many Broadway actors use yoga techniques as part
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Hello sweet yogis! I am not sure if I have ever mentioned that I have some kind of a physically-photographic memory for corrections and feedback. Does that make sense? I think I remember every single correction I have ever gotten in class
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Good morning yogis!!! Change is afoot. Change is inevitable. Change is the one thing we can count on for sure….or can we? Yeah, totally we can. Change comes. Sometimes we go to it, sometimes we run from it, sometimes we embrace it
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